Summer camp is a unique opportunity to develop your child’s social and interpersonal skills while building their confidence and enhancing academic development.
Because students normally attend the same school for many years, they tend to interact with the same peer group year over year. In many cases, kids will associate with the same few children at school they are comfortable with, which limits their exposure to different children. However, when they are in new environments, children will sometimes behave and act differently. A child who may be known as quiet or introverted in one setting may be energetic and friendly in a different setting. Exposing a child to new experiences can lead to growth and development of social and networking skills.
You may have heard about summer learning loss or the summer slide. It is important to avoid academic decline over the long break. Many kids limit their learning over the summer when left to read independently. Offering a structured environment that is fun while developing important reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills will encourage your child to improve their learning skills and realize that reading can be fun!
Lastly, many parents feel that children do not get enough exercise during the summer months. Camp will force kids to move, both physically and intellectually. It will get children off their electronic devices, and increase physical activity. Even our novel study camp will provide plenty of fun outdoor physical activity time.
To learn more about our novel study camp, visit