Before and After School Programs Mississauga

If you are looking for before and after school programs in the Mississauga area, then Write on Q offers an excellent solution.

Write on Q Language Program

Write on Q offers an English language program that is designed to help develop students’ writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills. The program is open to students between grade 3 and grade 10.

The goal of the program is to cultivate exceptional communication skills in the participating students, preparing them for their future.

The Write on Q Approach

Write on Q takes an innovative approach to writing lessons. Instead of just giving students a blank page and telling them to write something, Write on Q uses a more structured method.

Students will first be given an article or piece of writing to read and analyze. The purpose of this is to improve reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Students will be asked to pick out the most important points while taking notes about the writing to make a summary of the content.

This exercise is the first step towards good planning. Gathering the most meaningful and relevant parts of an article, encourages organization and develops skills to create an outline of the subject matter.

This will be extremely useful when it comes time to their own writing. Students will learn how to organize ideas to form an outline that will shape the draft of their work.

Multi-step Writing Process

There are several practical steps to the Write on Q writing method.

Here are some of the basic steps:

  • Reading comprehension for critical thinking
  • Building vocabulary
  • Constructing a brief outline
  • Devise a first draft
  • Peer editing
  • Revision

Reading Comprehension

The first step in the process is some reading comprehension to get things rolling. Students will apply critical thinking skills to get the idea muscle working and to get an idea of how they can organize their own writing.

Building Vocabulary

Students will be given a weekly list of vocabulary words. This helps build their own personal word repository to enrich their writing and express themselves more clearly.

An extensive vocabulary is very important to a writer to help make the writing more interesting, concise, and compelling.

Constructing an Outline

The first step to composing a piece of writing is making a brief outline. A point form outline, containing all the major points is an excellent way to help organize thoughts and to get them in the most effective order.

First Draft

After the outline has been created, the next step is to compose a first draft. Also called a rough draft, this initial attempt brings all the ideas and points together.

During the first draft, the writer will be able to establish connections between points and begin to bring it all together to make a cohesive piece.

Peer Editing

Students will edit each others’ first drafts, which is a beneficial exercise for both the writer and the editor. This activity also develops critical thinking skills, and gives students practice critiquing someone else’s writing objectively.


Students will then take their peers suggestions into consideration when writing a revised edition of their work, on the way to the final draft.

Public Speaking

Along with writing lessons, the students at Write on Q will also get public speaking instruction and practice. This helps develop confidence for speaking in front of a group.

Before and After School Programs Mississauga

For more information about the before and after school programs available at Write on Q, please contact the office.