Writing quality is a growing concern for students in the public school system in Ontario. There is just not enough emphasis placed on writing skills in the provincial curriculum.
This is causing a serious drop-off in the writing capability of students coming out of high school these days. Writing is not only important in the academic world, but a good writer carries those skills over into every day life.
For example, a good writer possesses strong organizational skills. Strong organization is crucial for effective writing. It is also a crucial life skill to ensure you are properly prepared for whatever may come across your path.
A good writer also demonstrates excellent communication skills. This is a skill that is incredibly important in many facets of life, but tends to be lacking in a lot of high school graduates today.
A student with developed writing skills will be able to express themselves in a clear and concise manner. This ability is essential in almost any vocation in the country.
How can students get extra assistance with writing?
After school writing classes are offered at Write on Q. This is an ideal solution for students in the Mississauga-Oakville-Brampton area looking for some writing assistance.
What does Write on Q offer?
Write on Q offers a unique method, with a practical approach to communication. Focus is given to all aspects of effective communication.
Some areas of focus include:
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Writing styles and techniques
- Note-taking
- Revision and editing
- Public speaking
Reading Comprehension
This is typically the first step in a Write on Q writing class. Instead of just handing a student a piece of paper and say, “OK, start writing”, Write on Q adapts a more guided approach.
Students will be given an article or paragraph to read and summarize. By taking notes and picking out the key points in the writing, students learn how to organize and analyze. This is a great benefit to students when it comes time to develop an outline for their own writing.
An extensive vocabulary is also a sign of a good writer. A piece of writing with the same words over and over throughout, make for very dull reading.
Not only does a rich vocabulary make writing more interesting to read, it also helps the writer express their view in a more succinct and efficient way.
Writing Styles and Techniques
Students will be shown several approaches to writing styles that will help engage and captivate their intended audience.
For example, Write on Q classes will demonstrate what is needed in the introduction of the writing, how to effectively organize paragraphs, and then how to tie it all together in the conclusion.
Revision and Editing
Another important element of any writing assignment is the editing process. Even professional writers need to revise and edit their work, to ensure the final product is as good as it can be.
Edits in the Write on Q classroom are done by other students in the class. Peer editing is a great way to improve interpersonal communication and develop critical thinking. It is beneficial for not only the writer who is receiving the feedback, but also for the editor.
Public Speaking
Communication skills will not only be enhanced through writing assignments, but also through public speaking.
Being able to express your point of view verbally is also a fundamental life skill. Students will present what they have written to the rest of the class in the form of a speech. They will able to use notes to refer to, but no reading is allowed.
This helps students determine the most important points about the topic, and encourages them to explain it in their own words to an audience.
How can you get started?
Contact the Director at Write on Q today for more information, or to arrange a complimentary assessment of your child’s current reading and writing skills.